
United States:
To make a tax deductible donation by credit card, visit the website of the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia, follow the links to the donations page; or make a check payable to the Diocese of Olympia, mark on the memo line “Children’s Hospice”. Mail your check to: Diocese of Olympia, 1551 Tenth Avenue, East, Seattle, WA 98102-0126.

United States:
To make a tax deductible donation by credit card, visit the website of the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia, follow the links to the donations page; or make a check payable to the Diocese of Olympia, mark on the memo line “Children’s Hospice”. Mail your check to: Diocese of Olympia, 1551 Tenth Avenue, East, Seattle, WA 98102-0126.

Kinderhospiz von Vater Alexander / Children's Hospice by Father Alexander;
Spendenkonto in Deutschland / Donation account in Germany:
KIRCHE IN NOT / Aid to the Church in Need
Ostpriesterhilfe Deutschland e.V.
Lorenzonistrasse 62 - D-81545 Muenchen
Projekt: Vater Alexander/Malteser
Konto bei der Liga-Bank Muenchen, BLZ 750 903 00,
Konto-Nr./ Account No.: 215 2002
Fuer die Spendenquittung bitte die genaue und vollstaendige Adresse mitangeben / For a donation receipt, please specify the exact and full address

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